So I was reminded the other day by my lovely mother that I haven't updated the blog in a while... 3 1/2 months actually, but who's counting. Then I saw another friend write on Facebook how she was unmotivated to post on her blog... so here I am finally blogging and reminding my friends that I still like to blog I have just been busy and forgetful... more forgetful though.
Perhaps I should start now and work back....
Pudding night at our house... it was pretty funny!!!! Shyler couldn't get over adam's new look
He whipped off his bib and left a little for later, including all over his head. Yeah it was bath time after that
So last time we ate pudding I gave him a vanilla one and he wouldn't touch it. This time I let him pick and he devoured the chocolate. I guess he doesn't take after me in all things food.
Sassy Shyler loving her chocolate pudding
A fun family day at Little Monkey Bizness! The kids had a blast spending the day with us
I went to girls camp with the Young Women in my ward from church and Tim and his Uncle Mel and his dad took the kids fishing. Shyler loved her princess fishing pole Grandpa got her and actually caught the first fish of the day. She insisted that Uncle Mel let it go back in the water. Adam just wanted to run around with the pole I guess.
We've taken a few trips to the zoo. This last one was with Calvin and Grandpa and Daddy finally got to come with us too!
We went camping... Amanda style! We went to the Irwin family cabin just on the other side of the Wyoming border outside of Laramie and enjoyed 4 walls and a roof over our head and a set of bunk beds to sleep in. It was still roughin' it with no electricity or running water.
It was a beautiful sunset
Shyler actually took this one of Adam climbing around the rocks
Going for a "hike" really just down the road to the pond, but she insisted on going in the backpack. Adam made it some of the way then I had to carry him and then he fell asleep... which was not according to plans.
Adam was a great helper sweeping up the cabin. Outside he found lots of sticks, rocks, and little round deer poop pebbles...yuck!
Our little photographer Shlyer snapped a picture for us
Memorial Day weekend we were up in Fort Collins, but I don't think we got any pictures of that and on Memorial Day Tim and I ran the Bolder Boulder. And when I say ran I mean ran... he kept me going and we ran the whole time!!! It was crazy and hard to believe we did that, especially since we haven't gone for many runs since... This week I keep telling myself, but I have been taking the kids around town in the bike trailer so I figure I've just traded my type of physical exercise.
Mother's Day was great and even though Tim and I said we wouldn't spend money on each other, he still bought Shyler and me matching aprons!!! I'm excited to at least have one now, and it's cute!
Silly kids!
Happy Mother's Day to G-ma Miller. Here are the six of them, can you see who's the squirmiest? That'd be Adam crawling away
Happy Mother's Day to G-ma Miller. Here are the six of them, can you see who's the squirmiest? That'd be Adam crawling away
Shyler and her pink bows that she loves and a princess dress and showing off her stepping stone that each of the grandkids made for Grandma
Easter was fun. We went to the CSU Alumni track meet and spent Friday night and Sat up there. The kids loved the track meet and Shyler got to run the kids 100m race. We got to dye eggs with Tyler and have an Easter egg hunt too. Shyler really enjoyed the egg dying part including turning her hand green!
Adam was silly and trying to be sneaky at my mom's house. He's so cute!!!
That's probably enough of an update and I will do a better job for sure!!!
To all our friends, hope all is well on your end!