Monday, September 22, 2008

Shyler is very excited for the Broncos season. For the last 2 games she has been cheering them on in her cheerleading outfit Grandpa bought her. We just have to be careful how loud we cheer, because she gets scared easily.

The other day I went in to check on Shyler during her nap, and instead of sleeping she was just hanging out. Silly girl! She's really good at sitting up now. Often times we will go in to get her and she will be sitting up in the middle of the crib.

This past Friday we were able to go on another hike. This time Shyler found the backpack quite comfortable and took a little nap on her mommy's back.

On Friday we also got the go the Rockies game, compliments of Tim's work. Since it was fan appreciation night and we were sitting in left field we got to go onto the field and watch the fireworks! Shyler liked them in the beginning, but the finale was pretty loud so she did not like that part.

At least they won! GO ROCKIES!

Some other notable events in our life...meaning shyler's, include Shyler's first cold. Poor girl was stuffed up and had a runny nose with a little cough, but she's better now. Also she has a second tooth! It's very exciting and if she grins at you, you can see two little teeth coming up. Shyler also is crawling around much more. She can get on her hands and knees and cruise around pretty well. Tim and Amanda are doing well too. Tim is working hard at work. He went to the career fair at CSU for work and he took some Indians that were working with him up to Mt. Evans so they could see snow and play in it.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tooth Eruption

Big day in the world of an infant...
Today when Shyler was giving one of her adorable grins to Amanda, she noticed what looked like a hole in her gums. After sticking a finger on Shyler's gum it turns out the hole was making way for a little tooth to pierce through that we could even feel. It's crazy to see this little hole on a babies gum and know that there are little teeth coming up. This along with a visit to the doctor for shots on Thursday explains a long and cranky weekend we had with Shyler.

Silly Clothes...
This is Shyler today. Amanda put her in this cute outfit that Patti Tucker gave her. Only thing about this outfit is that it is so cute and I didn't think it would fit her because it was a size 6-12 month outfit, so I put it away with 9 month clothes thinking it would be bigger. Well, turns out she could have been enjoying its cuteness a lot earlier because it fits like all of her other 6 month outfits. So for you soon to be first time moms, don't go by what the tags say, they don't always fit the same way as other clothes of that size. Also, if you have a tall skinny baby like Shyler, Carters is one of the best brands, all of the others seem to be made for very fat short babies.

Our Nephew...
Conner Aiden Hansen
Born Sept 4, 2008 6:08 pm
9 lb 1 oz 20 in
We are so excited to have a new addition to the family. For those that don't know, Conner is the son of Amanda's brother Matt and his wife Stephanie and they live in San Antonio, TX.

Growing Girl...
We wanted to see how big Shyler has gotten, so here she is at about 4 weeks and a little more than 6 months. It's crazy how fast they grow when they are this little. FYI, the green pad and the pink flowered pad are the same size.
At her visit Shyler came in at 15 lb 15 oz and was 27 inches, that keeps her in the same percentiles that she has been, 50 for weight and 90 for length.

A hiking we will go...
Even with our cranky baby, we were still able to go on a hike this past Sat. It wasn't super long, but it was still fun to get out and use our cool backpack. She really enjoyed looking around and seeing what was new in the world... for about 45 minutes, and then she was done. We hope to go again this weekend too!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Happy Half a Year Old!

Today Shyler is 6 months old!!! We cannot believe how fast she is growing up. She has developed so many new skills and as always we love to watch her discover them. She's really good at sitting up on her own and she is trying to crawl, but for now it's mostly just a couple little scoots. She also is a sucker for our cell phones, that's how we can get her to move on demand! Our little monkey :-) She was a little grumpy this morning so I couldn't get one of her adorable smiles, maybe later she'll pose for me. We love her so much and she has been such a blessing and joy to have in our lives. Even when she is being cranky or uncooperative she can make my heart melt when she just grins at me and even more so when she giggles.

Shyler also got to have an ear of corn when we had corn on the cob for dinner on Sunday. She loved it and was sad when we took it away because she was actually getting kernels.

Last week we went to Loveland to visit Great Grandma Irwin on Calvin's birthday. She was so happy to see the babies and all of the residents were jealous she had to babies come visit her.