We've been pretty busy lately and Amanda's been slacking on the blogging. Here are some things that we have been up to.
Karen and Andreas got married on Sat. Aug 16, 2008 at the Denver CO Temple
We tried for a family picture

Amanda dancing with our nephew Calvin. Isn't his little suit adorable?

Our brother-in-law , Ninja Walter
Shyler dancing with Tim's cousins, Jessica and Erica
Our brother-in-law , Ninja Walter
Shyler and her first pea experience. She thought they were ok, but not nearly as good as the sweet potatoes she had last week.
...But as you can see he had no problems devouring the cupcake. Much better than the last one year old party we went to. No offense Shelby, but you got to make a mess with your birthday cake.
We also painted last weekend. We have some touch-ups to do and then hang up some pictures and we'll get up the pictures to show off!